good parking, lovely spot
Crowd: all ages and types have been seen
Neighbourhood: Valrico
Who's Coming
all ages and types have been seen
east of Valrico: on north side of SR60: half mile east of Dover Rd, next to resevoir
Cross street: east of Dover Rd. on SR60
- Crowd:all ages and types have been seen
- Hours:sunup to sundown
Best times: early afternoon, around 2:00 pm
Dates open: year round, everyday
- Cruising Info/ Tips:watch for the fishermen as they're in same areas
Cruisiest Spots: trail in the woodsy area on southwest side of resevoir
- Nudity / Policy:I've never seen, but I've been told that area on northeast side of resevoir has nude sunbathing sometimes.
- Wheelchair Accessible:No
- Warnings:BE CAREFUL --others use park also! And CLEAN UP after yourself!
(You have to be logged in) Add CommentWas there yesterday but only saw people fishing. What's up with this place?
Commented on 4/26/2009 12:04:09 PM
I have not seen a post on this spot since feb 09. Is there nothing happening in this park?
Commented on 4/20/2009 4:57:45 AM
heading up there around lunch time.
Commented on 2/18/2009 11:29:08 AM
Be careful. Was there today and cop was riding around on an atv also i have been told that he sometimes walks through the woods.
Commented on 8/6/2008 10:38:43 AM
I was there today around 2:00. This is agreat spot. I'm surprised there isn't stuff going on all over that place.
Commented on 5/13/2008 6:50:17 AM
It is over
Commented on 10/19/2007 7:47:00 AM
Went there action. When is the best time to go ?
Commented on 6/19/2007 6:45:25 AM
I drive by here all of the time and would love to stop by one day for some fun. I would love to go down on someone here one day here. No recepication needed or wanted.
Commented on 4/18/2007 1:45:33 AM
Been there but dont know where the action takes place
Commented on 4/17/2007 8:10:52 AM