very dark and enclosed
Crowd: young guys
Neighbourhood: South End
Who's Coming
young guys
head right back to the last bush by the fence at the back of the field behind bethel church
Cross street: Richmond Ave
- Crowd:young guys
- Hours:around midnight
Best times: midnight, weekends
- Cruising Info/ Tips:just wait about 20-30 minutes, if no one shows up, then try another night
- Wheelchair Accessible:No
- Warnings:it's winter now, so it's a bit cold, dress warm
(You have to be logged in) Add Commenthiya... I live close to Bethel... is anyone ever out around there??
Commented on 10/22/2007 1:14:14 AM
hiya... I live close to Bethel... is anyone ever out around there??
Commented on 10/22/2007 1:14:14 AM
hiya... I live close to Bethel... is anyone ever out around there??
Commented on 10/22/2007 1:14:14 AM
do you know if anything happening in october Im new in brandon
Commented on 10/5/2006 9:40:51 AM
do you know if anything happening in october Im new in brandon
Commented on 10/5/2006 9:40:51 AM
do you know if anything happening in october Im new in brandon
Commented on 10/5/2006 9:40:51 AM