Christburger Str. 6
A good alternative to the common and sometimes too uptight hotel accommodations is to book an apartment or guestroom in Berlin. Berlin-Guestroom offers guests a chance to experience a more relaxed accommodation without living the city center of Berlin. For travelers who want to commune with the locals and feel at home while on a holiday can book a night or two in any of this outstanding Berlin-Guestroom.
Guests depending on their travel size ( solo, couple or group) can choose the type of guestroom they can have. There are one-bedroom or two-bedroom apartments with enough amenities and facilities to make each stay comfortable. To provide a cozy feeling, they have courtyards where you can relax and enjoy your drinks after a long of touring Berlin. Absolutely gay-friendly, gay venues and hotspots are easy to fine.
Lietzenburger Str. 13/15
The "straight friendly" Axel Berlin is a very nice design hotel, located in the middle of the gay area. Very popular!
Welserstraße 10 12
With various positive feedback from online travel sites and real travelers, Stars Guesthouse is the one of the best places to stay while in Berlin. Gay-friendly, gay and lesbian guests are absolutely welcome. An institution in Berlin, Stars Guesthouse has served and satisfied guests all over the world for many decades. Located in the western side of Berlin, guests will feel that everything the Berlin has is just a few meters away.
Stars Guesthouse Berlin offers different types of rooms to fit every type of traveler. There are hostel-type, hotel-type, suite rooms and apartment-type of guestrooms. Each of these are never short when it comes to all facilities and amenities like private bathrooms, mini-bar and internet access. Most of all, guests will have the best experience to stay in a historical structure that dates back to the golden era of Berlin. Shopping and entertainment districts are nearby.
Fuggerstraße 33
ArtHotel-Connection is a sought-after hotel located in the charming Schoeneberg district in the west side of Berlin. This gay hotel in Berlin is perfect for all types of gay travelers visiting the German capital for the best gay travel experience. Guests who want to be accommodated in the center of Berlin's gay district should opt to stay in this hotel. Gay clubs, bars and other gay establishments are just a few walks away from this hotel. Shopping districts and other attractions in Berlin is also very close to ArtHotel Connection.
From its name itself, this is a hotel that is full of art. Art-deco inspired, stat in one of the most stylish gay hotels Berlin. The whole hotel is newly refurbished to provide the latest amenities and facilities for today's modern gay travelers. For any kind of assistance, seek the help of their friendly staff that are trained to cater to international tourists.
Bayreuther Straße 10
Located in the center of Berlin, this hotel creates a striking alternation to the usual busy city with its peaceful location with trees and old townhouse facade. A 3-star accommodation, Comfort Hotel Auberge has built credibility as one of the best places to stay. This hotel has 29 spacious rooms with facilities like cable TV, private baths and safe. The hotel has a very homey ambiance for guests to find a quiet retreat after exploring and touring around Berlin. Very open for families or groups with some rooms accommodating up to 5 guests.
As it is located right in the heart of the city, going to attractions is very easy from this hotel. One of the famous attractions that is close to Comfort Hotel Auberge is the KaDeWe along with restaurants and even gay venues.
Geisbergstrasse 30
A very pleasant medium-priced hotel close to the gay scene in Schoneberg District. Pleasantly furnished rooms with en-suite shower-rooms. Patio Garden. Excellent Buffet Breakfast served from 06:00 until 10:00. Key to external door for late-night access.
Singles from 57 Euros
Doubles from 75 Euros
ALL inclusive of Buffet Breakfast
Crowd: This is a gay-friendly hotel
Reservation recommended: Yes