cruiser update 3/3/2008: the toilet block is now painted green
Works best late at night, the car park
is also used as a meeting place for most
of the gay community of Bendigo and many
of the other small local towns around.
Best time is late at night, with Thursday, Friday and Saturday night being the best. After the pubs close, you often find guys coming down, wanting to get a head job on the way home.
Crowd: Cross section of guys, bi, curious, runners & gay guys.
Cross section of guys, bi, curious, runners & gay guys.
(You have to be logged in) Add CommentGot some action here 27-6 11pm no waiting!!
Commented on 6/30/2017 3:30:04 AM
Was here lastnight no one around :(
Commented on 2/16/2012 11:19:51 AM
Guaranteed action - at pretty much any part of the day.
Commented on 11/16/2010 1:10:37 AM