Hotel gym area has pool plus separate sauna and steam room facilities. Sauna and steam room facilities located within mens changing rooms.
Reservation recommended: No
Neighbourhood: Chaoyang
Taxi, train or bus. Located on 4th floor of Hilton Hotel
- Directions:Taxi, train or bus. Located on 4th floor of Hilton Hotel
- Hours:Anytime, but probably best evening times. Closes at 10.30pm.
- Cruising Info/ Tips:Best spot is either the steam room or sauna. Generally guys in the sauna keep their towel on loosely wrapped but in the steam room remove the towel completely, making it easy to see if anyone is up for some playtime. Mainly hotel guests but seems to also have some locals use this gym and facilities also.
- Nudity / Policy:Nudity in steam room, some guys walk around change rooms freely naked.
- Wheelchair Accessible:Yes / yes
- Warnings:Gym staff wander through occasionally, also genuine users so need usual precautions
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