Crowd: Ages 25 to 45 mostly married guys.
Who's Coming
Ages 25 to 45 mostly married guys.
If you have a car or motorbike it's a good spot at night to meet up with married men and is very safe. Take the service road with runs in the same direction as the Airport Expressway going towards the Beijing International Airport. You will come to a small bridge which goes over a very small river, turn right at the road before the bridge. Then you will see a turn to the car park area.
- Crowd:Ages 25 to 45 mostly married guys.
- Directions:If you have a car or motorbike it's a good spot at night to meet up with married men and is very safe. Take the service road with runs in the same direction as the Airport Expressway going towards the Beijing International Airport. You will come to a small bridge which goes over a very small river, turn right at the road before the bridge. Then you will see a turn to the car park area.
- Hours:It's 24 hours a day
Best times: But best time to go is after dark around 8 or 9pm
- Cruising Info/ Tips:Just walk and make eye contact. Most of me married guys are looking for blowjobs, sometimes to . Best place is near the lock.
Cruisiest Spots: Along the water near bushes
- Wheelchair Accessible:No
- Warnings:Sometimes straight couples go there to have , but not often.
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