Michigan Ave. Parking Ramp


Is This Your Business?

If you have gone past Cereal city you have gone too far, and if you have past Arcadia brewery you have gone too far. It's Battle Creek's Newest Parking Ramp and hardly anyone uses it, but I use it for a good ol'e fashion car .
Crowd: This is the perfect place for people who want to in a car or outside. I have been there many times to get ed in the and it was awesome cause NO ONE came around. This is also a good spot for those guys you pick up at the bar or at the bookstore.

Neighbourhood: Michigan Ave. across from Arcadia Brewery

Who's Coming

This is the perfect place for people who want to in a car or outside. I have been there many times to get ed in the and it was awesome cause NO ONE came around. This is also a good spot for those guys you pick up at the bar or at the bookstore.

Its the Parking Ramp between Pablos and Cereal City USA. Go on the third or fourth level.
  • Crowd:This is the perfect place for people who want to in a car or outside. I have been there many times to get ed in the and it was awesome cause NO ONE came around. This is also a good spot for those guys you pick up at the bar or at the bookstore.
  • Hours:Open 24 hours durring the week you have to pay during the day but if you wait until night you can get in and out free.
    Best times: At night and on the weekends.
  • Cruising Info/ Tips:Keep on eye out for cops and hookers.
    Cruisiest Spots: Usually the top or second to the top.
  • Wheelchair Accessible:No
  • Warnings:In the winter it gets really cold so it's only best to go there if you can keep the car running.
    Warnings: COPS, and Hookers. Keep an eye out for them, they might just and try to join.
whos coming to Michigan Ave. Parking Ramp
  • If the place isn't used much, wouldn't a car parked all alone look suspicious. Are there any security cameras in there?

    Commented on 1/9/2008 7:45:56 AM
