Very busy spot just north of Atlanta. Lots of cars coming and going at all hours. Guys do the usual cruising in the rest room; but outside is also very active.
Crowd: Truckers, locals looking for action
Facilities: Woods are cool, stalls ok but risky
Truckers, locals looking for action
(You have to be logged in) Add Commenthey gimmie some of your spot near the Mall of Georgia work in braselton. am curious and am a first timer my E M A I L is Zenheha at G M A I L
Commented on 12/6/2007 12:35:02 PM
you say: Hey guys, a cruiser has informed me that this location is now closed.
cruise Editor.
It seems to me that all any Internet site is really out to do is to shut down public cruise places and it has!!
BUT as many as the net gets closed is as many as I open up and trust me it is done with little effort and very fast! And even so all that I have opened that are new have NOT been listed on this site of yours or any other site online. Humm could it be really what many gays I talk to face 2 face say?
Commented on 12/5/2007 8:22:26 AM
Hey guys, a cruiser has informed me that this location is now closed.
cruise Editor.
Commented on 12/3/2007 1:31:20 AM
I have a gay cop friend and he sayes all the undercover cops read what we write on this site now. So it is truely got back to "word of mouth" cruising like the old days.
Commented on 7/31/2006 6:28:25 AM
I like Bubba, I saw undercover cop here today to. I saw him enter a dark colored Chevy truck. He was parked at the end exit area of the rest area. I noticed another man talking to him, then left and went walking around cruising. I watched for a second, they dont seem to grab them selves looks like that watch the bathroom. I did notice when I drove off the truck did have South Carolina plates. Give this place a rest. Just thank all the people who are pushy and dont know when to leave folks not interested alone or bothering the truckers.
Commented on 7/19/2006 2:13:20 AM
made a special trip here yesterday and realized the northbound rest area is closed
Commented on 7/15/2006 1:03:29 AM
Commented on 7/13/2006 6:29:18 AM
wasnt that hard, I think faster than I type it. So, okay I am bad at grammer from time to time. Just saying there are 2 cops working this rest area. A mexican with a mustache and a white guy in his late 30's to mid 40's. they are not in the same car, white guy is in the chevy truck with south carolina plates and not sure about the mexican. the truck with camper parked at the entrance. from what i saw, a man there exposed him self in the RR to the cop and cop made him follow him to his truck and got all his info. the didnt make a scene, if you never been arrested before its not fun and once you have you can much easier spot them. if you have gwinnett tags, they will harrass you, why are you there and such they did me.
Commented on 7/13/2006 5:41:58 AM
as I said - I'm not usually one to correct grammEr because I don't have any myself :-p
Commented on 7/13/2006 5:21:16 AM