• boulderstu

  • ale18

  • Ruby Park Bathroom

    Cruising Areas

    Usually no one is there. Occasional notes left on walls of . present. Let's use this to our advantage!
    Crowd: Some local & visitors, construction

  • Pilates Centre Athletic Club


    This is a very popular gym in Aspen, and the showers are really cruisy. I've worked out there for a while and I always had a good time. Mostly meet up

  • Arbaney Park Toilets

    Toilelts, Washrooms

    This is a clean, safe location for cruise members to meet and play! The facilities are not very big but allow for discretion if someone walks in.It is

  • Highway 82 West Two Rivers Road

    Cruising Areas

    This is a single bathroom with locking door in the parking lot of the hiking trail directly across from the river. There are lots of secluded places
